JUNE 2008
Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Shimon Tanaka for "The Suit"
2nd-place winner:
Christine Sneed for "Twelve + Twelve"
3rd-place winner:
Horatio Potter for "Summer Help"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Kirsten Aguilar for "Another Mother"
Takken Bush for "Things I Lost In Istanbul"
John Caperton for "Subletting Off Haight"
Jose Caro for "Left"
Diane Chang for "A Mirror of the World"
Aja DeKleva Cohen for "Outside-in"
Julie Diamond for "August"
Rickey Gard Diamond for "Black Bears"
Kelsey Dimberg for "Travelers"
Joshua Feldman for "Progress"
Scott Jones for "Strike Not"
Christiana Langenberg for "Or"
David Lovett for "Toward the Cucumbertree"
David Lovett for "Chickens"
Melissa Meek for "When the Rain Came"
Paul Michel for "What We Do"
Naveed Noori for "The Fortune-Seller"
Lorissa Rinehart for "Petanque"
J. Kevin Shushtari for "Demerol Diaries"
Natasha Stagg for "Tabby & Leonard"
D. Sulaitis for "Concerning the Correct Way to Make Cabbage"
Randolph Thomas for "Of the Flesh"