MAY 2010
Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
April Bacon for "When the Sun Is Glorious"
Louise Glynn Barr for "My French Grandmother"
Jennifer Blackman for "Way Too Big for Just You"
Allison Blum for "Conditions"
James Brubaker for "Oh, Yoko"
Jack Butler for "The PHF Unit"
Courtney Colwell for "Exposed"
Ed Cyzewski for "Will Pray for Food"
Anastasia Faunce for "Quick Bright Things"
Laura Fromm for "Raised by Narcissists"
Jeffrey Gilbert for "Dancing with Myself"
William Gonch for "Engagement"
Krupa Harishankar for "No Fishing or Crabbing"
Ian Kimmich for "Kids"
Jennifer Knox for "Weeds"
Jessica Lawrence for "Small Town"
Shelly Manber for "Diamonds"
Monica Mancillas for "Casualties of War"
Maureen McGranaghan for "Just Call Me Alph"
Andrew Meredith for "At Sea"
Louise Munson for "Thomas, or a Wonder"
Adam Perrotta for "Down Under"
Nola Poirier for "He Doesn't"
Zenon Raabe for "Pizza Island"
Elena Sanchez for "Windows"
Jeanne Shoemaker for "Antarctica"
Naomi Shupp for "Splinter"
V. Ayuravann Sisowath for "Her Culinary Hands"
H. William Taeusch for "A Devotion Upon an Emergent Occasion"
Cynthia Tumlin for "Proof"
Liesl Wilke for "Relief"
Elan Zafir for "Cloud, Stop"
Caroline Zancan for "Broken Eggs"