Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Stefanie Freele for "While Surrounded by Water"
2nd-place winner:
Dana Kroos for "Sleepwalkers"
3rd-place winner:
Joseph Johns for "Reckoning Day with High Cirrus"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Arielle Bernstein for "Animal Needs"
Beth Bosworth for "The Source of Life"
Greg Brown for "Shipwrecks"
Marjorie Celona for "Be on My Side, I'll Be on Your Side"
Natalia Cortes Chaffin for "The Raft"
Kevin Corbin for "Lost"
Lori DeBoer for "Twenty-Five Random Things About Me"
Stephanie Dickinson for "Jesusita"
Kristin Doherty for "What Happened to Joanie"
Luke Fiske for "Do You Know What a Leader Is?"
Caitlin Galway for "Blackbird"
Janet Gilman for "Family Photos With Strangers"
William Gilson for "At the Dark End of the Street"
Thomas E. Kennedy for "You Just Don't Feel So Good"
Greg Kosmicki for "Frank"
Steven Koteff for "Great America"
Stefani Nellen for "The Jelly Doughnut Mile"
Edwin Rozic for "Specimen Cases"
Yuko Sakata for "Unintended"
Louise Farmer Smith for "Work Study"
Paul Vidich for "The Tao of Parenting"
Gregory Wolos for "Knuckling"