MARCH 2011
Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Melissa Yancy for "Teeth Apart"
2nd-place winner:
Susan Messer for "Angstschweiss"
3rd-place winner:
Nellie Hermann for "Meanness"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Jennifer R. Adams for "Penn Station"
Melanie Bishop for "Friday Night in America"
Josh Burke for "Microwaving the Prego"
William Gaythwaite for "Huge Lost Dogs"
Baird Harper for "Patient History"
Ashley Herum for "The Bull Road"
Austin Kelley for "Morehead Hill"
Jill Kronstadt for "Palimpsests"
Joseph Maiolo for "The White Uniform"
Sean McCarthy for "Quiet"
Mary Morrissy for "The Bruise"
Shana Myara for "I Love You Just Fine"
Kent Nelson for "The Graceless Age"
Sam Ramos for "And This Too Shall Pass Away"
Ruth Schemmel for "Shine"
Grady Sedgwick for "Tough, Like John Wayne"
Kim Stafford for "Leaving the Hill"
Elisabeth Stark for "The Night Drivers"
Peter Stine for "Is There Any Way Out?"
Steve Trumpeter for "Sky Boys"
Scott Tucker for "Touring"
Yoojin Grace Wuertz for "The Apartment"