JUNE 2011
Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Jason Akley for "Excerpt from The Psalmist"
Roberta Allen for "Odd"
William Doonan for "Saying Goodbye in Bismayu"
Scott Geisel for "Trey"
Cary Groner for "Fire"
Les Hegwood for "She's Burnin' Up"
Kristin Aker Howell for "Bondo"
Ruth Joffre for "The Keepsake"
Christina Kapp for "Becoming Charlotte"
Marilyn Krysl for "Sacrifice"
Robin Lippincott for "The Gravediggers"
Peter Lucas for "For the Good of the Family"
Barbara Myers for "Eight in the Mourning"
Katherine Myers for "The History of Earthquakes"
Chinelo Okparanta for "Fairness"
James O'Meara for "The Palomino"
Joseph Policape for "Where Do They Bury Their Dead?"
Natanya Pulley for "These Things Are Not Our Own"
Kerri Quinn for "Girl"
Melissa de Sa for "Pain"
Nina Sacco for "The Bricks"
Chaitali Sen for "Study of Triangles"
Janice D. Soderling for "The Pathos of Ice"
R. Clifton Spargo for "Tell Me"
Linda Stansberry for "Rest. Stop"
Greg Story for "The Rowboat Affair"
Jackie Thomas-Kennedy for "The Seventeenth"
Doug Trevor for "The Program in Profound Thought"
Nicole Vollrath for "Summer Secrets"
Jesse Waters for "Clown Fish"
Elizabeth Whittington for "Two Beats to This Music"
Naomi Williams for "The Man-Moth"
Sarah Yu for "The Goldfish Bowl"