MARCH 2012
Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Silas Dent Zobal for "The Hospital"
2nd-place winner:
Devin Murphy for "Levi's Recession"
3rd-place winner:
Amina Gautier for "Aguanile"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Tamar Altebarmakian for "God Is a Rock Collector"
Jacob Appel for "The Price of Storks"
Majnun Ben-David for "There Were Russians"
Colleen Burner for "Dogs"
Gabrielle Burton for "Thoughts on Elephants, Civil Defense, and Growing Old in America, Part 1"
Carey Cameron for "Thursday"
Paul Catalano for "Men Today"
Matthew Crain for "Between Cigarettes""
Laura Fanning for "The World Is Large"
Julia Fierro for "Life After Children"
Kathleen Founds for "Uncommon Happiness"
Amy Gottfried for "E.M.T."
Scott Nadelson for "Temporary Salvation"
Billy O' Callaghan for "Icebergs"
Jane Sadusky for "Sons and Mothers"
Anatoly Schmidt for "Everything That Can Happen To You Happens Today: Autofictional Notes"
Adam Swartz for "The Circle Is the Sun"
Philip Tate for "We, Us"
Randolph Thomas for "To Live by the Lake"
Daniel Torday for "Acknowledgement"
Zack Wentz for "Come Down"
Kyle Wu for "We Were In Love"