Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Siamak Vossoughi for "The X-250"
2nd-place winner:
Elysha Chang for "Monkey Brains"
3rd-place winner:
Sacha V. Wright for "With Karolina"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Alexander Bandazian for "Water Under Ground"
Laura Carr for "Hail Mary"
Lucian Childs for "Letters From His Wife Regarding The Progress of Her Enlightenment"
Jenny Chu for "Instances of Rain"
Lindsey Citron for "The Rapture"
Kelly Cox for "July 30, 2012"
Gregg Cusick for "Photos I'm Not In"
Mical Darley for "Thursday Mornings, Wednesday Nights"
Chris Graham for "The End of Horses."
Jennifer Knox for "Rita Forgives the World"
Lara Lenhoff for "The Mind Game Olympics"
Manuel Martinez for "Card Sound"
Betsy Narvaez for "Symbology"
Raul Palma for "The Roasting Box"
Matthew Pickard for "Bending the World to Your Will"
Matthew Pitt for "Absolutely, I Remember You"
Daniel Riordan for "The Albino Alligator"
Nina Rubinstein Alonso for "Life Punctuation"
Mary Williams for "Saturn Devoured"
Gregory Wolos for "Knothole"
Jake Wrenn for "Family Night"
James Zorn for "Tat Tvam Asi"