JULY 2013
Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Jean Auerbach for "Jumping Buildings"
Erica Bauman for "What I Do When I'm Me"
Sydney Beard for "Morgan Springs, South Carolina: A Short History"
Peter Biello for "Break and Enter"
Venita Blackburn for "They Only Look Like They're Smiling"
Cameron Brindise for "Cold Feet"
Jayne Brown for "Buddha"
Mary Jean Burdick for "The Summer of Roscoe"
Katie Cortese for "Another Man's Treasure"
Gay Degani for "Small Town"
Blair Donahue for "The Man Who Shot the Kids"
Marissa D'Orazio for "Sunshine"
Sohrab Fracis for "Hood"
Sally Franson for "Good Cause"
Jerry Gillespie for "Pizza Man"
Douglas Haines for "Everything Must Go"
Nancy Hedin for "Twigs and Ash"
Kim Henderson for "Sorrow"
Michelle Kaeser for "Pablo, Pablo"
Gil Kazimirov for "The First Tuesday of Every Month"
Cynthia Kraack for "The Neighbor"
Charles Lindsey for "Forgetting Davis"
Kim Magowan for "Mosaic"
Swati Marquez for "18 Minutes"
Judy Mayhew for "Taking Charge of Dan"
Jeff Minton for "Fake Rubber"
Patrick Parr for "First and Last"
Amira Pierce for "Swallow"
Tim Poland for "Linkage"
Gary Powell for "Fight Night"
William Preston for "About the Author"
Pavle Radonic for "Inheritance"
Trevor Ritland for "Ropes"
Hermine Robinson for "Tipping House"
Eli Sinko for "Exodus"
Mary Sojourner for "Mix"
Morgan Songi for "Spirit Nights"
Margaret Spilman for "From Here to There"
Alexander Stein for "Beat to His Socks"
Adam Sturtevant for "The Next Aisle Over"
Sophia Sunseri for "On the Day that the Moon Died"
Mary Wagner for "Somehow"
Yun Wei for "The Water Map"
Brian Whalen for "Typical"
Jill Widner for "When Stars Fell Like Salt before the Revolution"
Sabrina Wise for "Contract Renewal"
Gregory Wolos for "This Is Not a Confession"
Dale Woods for "Bus"
Dwight Yates for "Boss Man"
Timothy Ziegenhagen for "Pugmalion"