Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Marge Anderson for "My Housemates in Japan"
Carl Bailey for "Atsuko and I"
Michael Barry for "Flash Forward to Breakup"
Jason Brown for "Sand and Ice"
Elizabeth Browne for "Cowboy"
Carol Byrne for "The Addict"
Graeme Carey for "Acedia"
Thomas Carroll for "India"
Drew Ciccolo for "The Behemoth"
Jorge Cino for "What We Choose to Reveal"
Melissa DeLia for "Clear Water"
Jonathan Frith for "Why Am I Here and Not Over There?"
Nathaniel Go for "Chinkee Bazaar"
James Gyure for "The Kitchen on Davis Street"
Lisa Hallahan for "When It Began to Snow"
Tal Halpern for "The Hare"
Stephen Hamilton for "First Date, July 17, 1999"
Corinne Higgins for "Trudy Versus Marnie"
Joanne Hoersch for "Lilacs"
Eileen Hsu for "Max"
Christopher Jones for "Boom's Revival"
Marc Kaufman for "The Human Accident"
Stan Kempton for "I Know Why the Mayans Left Paradise"
William Kerstetter for "Gadarenes"
Sarah Kishpaugh for "How to Break Up With a Brain Injured Soldier"
Elizabeth Klehfoth for "When Speaking of the Dead"
Rachel Litchman for "The Dollhouse"
Conor Madigan for "Bees from Mouth to Field"
Kim Maples for "Writing Again"
Nancy McGlasson for "At the End of the Train"
Courtney Morgan for "Watch"
Angie Netro for "Lucky People"
Kelly O'Keefe for "Sun Beams"
Paula Paige for "Unexpected Guests"
Joanna Parypinski for "Westward"
Patrick Payne for "Oklahoma City"
Erin Pesut for "How to Stay in Touch With People You Love When You Live All Over the World"
Julia Prendergast for "Shades of Grey"
Benjamin Rybeck for "My Sweet Unnamable You"
Kenneth Sandbank for "Hand of God"
Mikaela Schwartz for "Joints"
Ashley Sevier for "Under the Stars"
Chris Stanley for "Consumed"
Justin Strauch for "Summer Latitudes"
Elice Swanson for "The Captured Generation"
Hsien Chong Tan for "The Potato Eaters"
Dana Tompkins for "On the Straight and Narrow"
Carol Wong for "The Anniversary"