MAY 2014
Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Ifeoma Amobi for "Night Train to Kano"
Sura Antolin for "Those in Need of Healing"
Kristen Arnett for "Biddenden Maids"
Jean Boler for "Mercury Falling"
Kathleen Boyle for "The Grass in Seed"
Mason Boyles for "Baptism"
Kate Brody for "Uneven"
Auguste Budhram for "The Neighbor Who Went Abroad"
Ezra Carlsen for "Needles, Beach Ball, and Hey Guy"
Elodie Chen for "On the Fence"
Samuel Cronin for "The Story of Forbes' Low Green Tent"
Isobel Cunningham for "A Fat Woman Died Today"
Davey Davis for "Difficult Women"
Rochelle Distelheim for "It's Not Just You, It's Not Just Me"
Wendy Dutwin for "Uvalde"
David Eddy for "Discernment"
Natalia Fernandez for "The Big One"
Suzanne Frankham for "Walking Out from Under the Shadow"
Jesse Goulard for "Life Without Honey Bees"
Robert Hoffman for "Rosenjo"
Dan Kellum for "Stopped Time/Jagged Time"
Nathalie Kramer for "Rain"
Danya Kukafka for "A Portrait of Mr. L"
DJ Lambert for "This Is My Seminary"
Sarah Lejeune for "On the Mountain"
Christine Lord for "Suicide"
Tyler Meese for "The Earth Is Mostly Ocean"
Nicholas Miller for "The Brunch"
Brendan Missett for "Labor"
James Monaco for "Almanac"
Rachel M. Mullis for "The Moon"
Jennifer Nguyen for "A Re-Education"
Conor Madigan for "Robert Carr Oldershaw"
Megan Nolan for "Medium"
Aidan O'Brien for "On the Boardwalk with Real Jesus"
Christine O'Brien for "Cul de Sac"
David Phillips for "Fourteenth of August"
Hannah Reed for "Only a Resounding Gong, a Clanging Cymbal"
Lee Revere for "Pinus Contorta"
Deborah Ross for "Tautology"
Maurice Ruffin for "The Boy Who Would Be Oloye"
David Saltzman for "Why We Play"
William Small for "Everything Quiet"
Laura Steadham Smith for "Boatyard Holiness"
Justin Spaller for "Chloe"
Claire Stanford for "The Collar"
David Tejtel for "Contractor's Mix"
Dana Thomann for "Mother's Day Tornado 1988"
Emily Villela-Minkin for "Prescription"
V. J. Waks for "A World Without Teeth"
Helen Williams for "Leaving Bill"
Kera Yonker for "The Stand-in"