Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
George Makana Clark for "Pluto"
2nd-place winner:
Madiha Sattar for "Mulberry Street"
3rd-place winner:
Oguz Dinc for "The Hurricane"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Jessie Adams for "Being Outside in Winter"
Samantha Atkins for "Birth Plan"
Tim Bascom for "What the Guy Said When He Heard I'm into Birdwatching"
John Bensink for "It Fell to Yokum"
Kianee De Jesus for "Olive"
Amina Gautier for "Love Me Through a Hurricane"
Michele Herman for "Subway Dreams"
Patrick Holian for "Maundy Thursday"
Jessica Johns for "Good Bones"
Dana Kroos for "Save-A-Child"
Maureen Langloss for "La Rabida Heart Sanitarium, 1954"
Alex McElroy for "Fathers and Mothers"
Stefani Nellen for "Young Men"
Hallie Elizabeth Newton for "Double Tube"
Erin Slaughter for "Instructions for Assembly"
Susan Tepper for "Little Holocausts"
Carl Thompson Jr. for "On Losing Things"
Cady Vishniac for "With Baby Wynona"
Siamak Vossoughi for "Outside the Cafe"
S. Kirk Walsh for "My Mother's Stories"
Chris Weigel for "Force"
Haleigh Williams for "Infrastructure"