Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Karen Ackland for "Beginning, Birding"
Steve Amick for "The Beast Moves In"
Selena Anderson for "Tenderoni"
Charli Andrews for "Calabash"
Lindsay Carson Becker for "My Bob Ross Summer"
Marni Berger for "The Liger at Apple Zoo"
Scott Broker for "Marco Polo"
Anna Brown for "The Labor of Holly Jo Daffodil (1974)"
Elyse Buffenbarger for "The Canadian"
Walker Caplan for "Meet-Cute"
Thea Chacamaty for "Earthquake Weather"
Harrison Cheung for "End of the Road"
Matthew Cook for "Formative Years"
Alex Cothren for "Surveillance Moths"
Ruben Degollado for "Plan of Assistance for Lila Izquierdo"
Ginger Dehlinger for "Francine"
Pamela Diamond for "The Knowledge of Nightingales"
Linda Frost for "Reentry"
Christopher Fuller for "Head Trauma"
Alex Girotti for "Cosmic Groove"
Gail Greiner for "Animal Rescue"
Richard Harfst for "Fishing at Sunrise"
Jon Huffman-Eddy for "The Red Boy & How I Went to Sleep"
Jacob Hyatt for "All Together"
Johnny Irizarry for "Hidden War Shelters"
Mark Johnson for "Good for Another Hour or Two"
Linda Kass for "Camp Ritchie"
Sam Keller for "The Long Boat"
John M. Keller for "The Immigrant"
Deborah Kahan Kolb for "Red Bird Rising"
Steve Lambert for "Good Luck, Harriet (Not That You Need it)"
Amy Lapwing for "So the Next Generation Would Know"
Zach MacDonald for "The Year of the Cassowary"
Nina Maksimova for "Clinical Error"
Patty Mayeux for "Terlingua"
Logan McMillen for "The Lord of Misrule"
Elizabeth Molumphy for "Endurance - an Introspection into an Unfinished Life"
Sacha Moore for "Parallel Parking"
Samantha Neugebauer for "Moving/Singing Through the Lands of Men"
Erika Nichols-Frazer for "On the Outside"
Reilly Nolan for "Where the Boy Died"
Chika Onyenezi for "Cuba"
Olivia Postelli for "Almost Grown"
Katie Robinson for "Unspoken Rules"
Michael Rudin for "Lockboxed"
Jonathan Sapers for "The Story of Our Divorce"
Kate Senecal for "Fireworks"
Cat Seto for "This Is Not Ours"
Philip Shackleton for "Worry Woman"
CJ Southworth for "The Third Woman"
Monica Strina for "Blood Moon"
Rachel Thomas for "Pilot Error"
Cathryn Title for "You Have Known Sensible Tigers"
Shubha Venugopal for "Agni and the Sacred Circle"
Briana Weeger for "Movements"
Aaron Weinzapfel for "Say Goodbye to Jesus"
Janice Whang for "One Centimeter"
Liz Windhorst Harmer for "The Oakknoll Cooperative"
Sharon Wishnow for "Four Poses for a Quarter"
Gregory Wolos for "Chartreuse"
Catherine Wong for "Clear"
Jo Woolf for "Born Sleeping"