Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Julia Adams for "Our Bodies"
Vi Aldunate for "Even the Glamorous Angels Corroded"
Gianna Appuglise for "Rubina Morelli, Fall 2005"
Matthew Bucknor for "The Birth Plan"
Elyse Buffenbarger for "Night Hawk"
Matthew Cook for "Bill and Jasper at the Dog and Duck"
Daniel Dagris for "Ninth Life"
Chase Dearinger for "The Minister's Black Mass"
Eric Delp for "Everything Must Go"
Cynthia Dempster for "Fire in the File Room"
Claire Dodd for "Au Revoir, Gopher"
Carrie Esposito for "A National Emergency"
Harrison Falconer for "Delivery"
Bob Glassman for "Broken Lifeline"
J.P. Grasser for "Flares"
Deborah Hamm for "Hailey's Comet"
Acacia Johnson for "As Far as I Could Get"
Aditya Johri for "The Last Letter"
Kathleen Kennedy for "After the Reception"
David Kunkel for "They Will All Be Given Vouchers for the Trouble"
Jessica Liebenberg for "Baloney"
H. S. May for "The Silver Plane"
Kathleen Murray for "Golly Bob Howdy"
Sarah Newland for "View from the Twenty-Eighth Floor"
Christopher Pini for "The Closet Monster"
Elisabeth Preston-Hsu for "Ten Years in 700"
Evan Ramzipoor for "Here Lies the Goomph"
Omar Refaat for "Post Fridge"
Katie Robinson for "The Hand on Your Throat"
Deborah Romani for "Nel Cor (In My Heart)"
Abby Ronner for "Miscommunications"
Javier Rosario for "Smoke Signals"
Cory Scarola for "Flood"
Justina Schroeder for "Wisdom from the Trash Heap"
Nicholas Shadowen for "The Chilean"
Anne Shamim for "The Glass Me"
Jason Smith for "The Wilderland"
Patricia Staehelin for "Daughters and Mothers"
Jeannie Tseng for "Wasted Rice Child"
James Tucker for "Lost Hearts, Chillicothe"
Charlie Wakenshaw for "Transit Weather"
Matthew Wamser for "That Which You Cannot Take"
Jacob Weber for "Love Hotel"
Elecia White for "Honored and Terrified"
Luke Wortley for "Permanence"
Benjamin Yao for "The Bee"